Tag Archives | Adventure

Valerian & Laureline Vol 11: The Ghosts Of Inverloch

By Mézières & Christin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182935 Laureline and Valerian are once again separated in their roles as spatio-temporal agents, working across time and space on the orders of the future Terran Galaxity. But all’s not well. Laureline is in Scotland at a roughly contemporary time to our own, enjoying the hospitality at Inverloch […]

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Mezolith: Stone Age Dreams & Nightmares Book 1

By Haggarty & Brockbank Publisher: Archaia ISBN: 9781608866991 Sorry to say that I missed the original David Fickling Books printing of this one, but fortunately spotted this American printing available from Page 45 in Nottingham. It’s the story of a boyhood from 10,000 years ago, set amongst a small tribe in Ancient Britain. The boy, […]

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Alone Vol 5: Eye Of The Maelstrom

By Gazzotti & Vehlmann Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182966 Alone, to date, has been a great series for kids that transcends age barriers as we follow a group of children trying to survive in an almost empty world. Although we’ve met a few other groups of children in a similar situation, there are no adults, so […]

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Wayne Shelton Volume 3: The Contract

By Denayer, Cailletau & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182690 Wayne Shelton is quite a daring series in that the lead character is, quite deliberately, an old fashioned action hero type who, although still capable, is ever-so-slightly past his prime. He has aged with grey around the temples, and he’s not quite up-to-speed with computers […]

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Barracuda Vol 4: Revolts

By Jean Dufaux & Jérémy Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182577 In Revolts we get to see a very nicely designed bit of crowd entertainment in the form of a sunken ship’s hull, just barely visible about the waterline, in which two sharks are kept. As part of his punishment Raffy must cross this ‘tank’ balancing on […]

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Damocles Vol 2: An Impossible Ransom

By Henriet & Callède Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182331 For Ellie and her team the number one goal as Damocles agents is to protect the client they’re being paid to keep safe. A professional approach, a reliable team, and a little boost from the stimulant called Blitz is usually enough to get the job done, but […]

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