So, you’d like to join the Cartoonists Club of Great Britain eh? Excellent!
Being a member of our illustrious organisation gives you the opportunity to meet up with loads of cartoonists from all over the country. We are primarily a social club for cartoonists and as such we organise all kinds of get togethers from small evening meet-ups to larger multi-day events and conventions. Yes! No longer need you be a lone cartoonist grinding away in isolation at the cartoon coalface! You can meet others who know what it means to wield a pen, pencil, mouse, or graphics tablet in an attempt to make a living by drawing funny stuff. Bask in the warm glow of the friendship of like-minded artists who won’t ask you “Where do you get your ideas?” or “Do you do the words as well?” , talk about techniques with people who actually know what you are on about, even moan about clients! Above all, you’ll be assured of a warm welcome by a bunch of really friendly fellow cartoonists.
Each month members receive a copy of the CCGB’s magazine “The Jester” which is packed with cartooning-related articles and info about upcoming events. In addition (because we here at CCGB headquarters live at the cutting edge of information technology) members are kept up to date with the very latest CCGB developments via the “Electric Jester” email newletter. The Jester magazine is also available in an online format too, so you can absorb its cartoon-based full-colour loveliness wherever you are.
So, how do you join?
Download our PDF Membership form below, fill it in, attach samples of work as detailed and email or post the completed application to the Membership Secretary (full details are on the form).
Download PDF Application FormOr you can apply right now using the online application form.
Online Application FormNotes
If you are a professional cartoonist you are eligible for Full Membership.
If you are not yet a professional cartoonist, but are trying to be, you may be eligible for Associate Membership.
If you are someone involved in the periphery of cartooning (ie an Editor, Publisher, Gallery owner etc.) you too are eligible for Associate Membership. Just indicate on the application form what your connection with cartooning is.
How much does it cost to join?
As of May 1st 2011 membership is £44 per year (payable quarterly at £11 per quarter by standing order)
We also offer a five year membership for a one-off payment of £175
Any more questions? Just get in touch via the link below.
You may want to read our constitution:

The Jester is the monthly magazine of the Cartoonist’ Club of Great Britain. Available only to members.
There are also occasional regional meetings of the Cartoonists’ Club in various venues around the country. If you would like to attend a meeting, please contact our events officer: