By Van Hamme & Berthet Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800441170 The disparate parts of the future fortune of Largo Winch are rapidly coming together, thanks to the cunning, shrewdness, and, occasionally, downright underhandedness of Nerio. But while he’s taking advantage of every situation in the US to bolster his position and his wealth, a very different […]
Tag Archives | War
The Bluecoats Vol 17: The Draft Riots
By Lambil & Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800441248 The Union is struggling with manpower in its war with the Confederacy. Battles have taken their toll and volunteers are drying up. As a consequence, Lincoln and his advisors must rely on the draft. This, though, isn’t ideal, as the wealthy can buy their way out of […]
Bear’s Tooth 4. Amerika Bomber
By Yann & Henriet Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440869 It’s been a while since the last Bear’s Tooth book which cunningly allows the creators to tease us a little with what we can remember. The striking cover image of Hanna stood amid the ruins of New York while advanced German planes sail overhead suggests we may […]
The Bluecoats No 16: Sallie
By Lambil and Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440890 Cinebook has been translating the Bluecoats series in steady succession for some years now. For older Brits, more accustomed to the likes of Asterix, a cartoon-rendering of the American Civil War might seem like a strange juxtaposition. But if you’ve cast a broader net on European comics […]

The English GI
By Jonathan Sandler and Brian Bicknell, adapted from Bernard Sandler’s autobiographyPublisher: Graphic MemoirISBN: 9798793377874 Ever so occasionally I’m sent a book that is a genuine surprise. This is one of those books. Using the 1995 autobiography of Bernard Sandler, Bernard’s grandson, Jonathan, has adapted the work, along with illustrator Brian Bicknell. Together they’ve created an […]

The Bluecoats Vol 15: Bull Run
By Lambil and Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440616 Having recently read a novel about the battle of Bull Run, this latest Bluecoats adventure had me itching to read it. It involves a look back to the very first battle of the war where, as far as the North was concerned, victory was inevitable and the […]