Archive | Reviews

Brexit: A Drawn-Out Process

By James Mellor Publisher: Filament Publishing ISBN: 9781913192617 At the time of writing we’re just under a week away before we’re scheduled to leave the EU but Macron has just chipped in and Boris is angling for an election. By the time you read this goodness knows what will have happened.  Well, I can tell […]

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Spirou & Fantasio Vol 16: The Z Rises Again

By Tome & Janry Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184410 Sixteen! Sixteen volumes in already? Cinebook have used an ingenious method of mixing older with more contemporary volumes so perhaps that accounts for time flying, but sixteen?  This latest volume picks up on the recent nefarious exploits of Zorglub with a time-twisting trip into the future. Fantasio […]

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The Walking Dead Vol 32: Rest In Peace

By Kirkman, Adlard, Gaudiano & Rathburn Publisher: Image ISBN: 9781534312418 In a clever if not surprising move creators Kirkman and Adlard pulled the wool over the eyes of their readership and have ended the series. The subterfuge went as far as submitting fake future issues so that when the big moment did arrive you were […]

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Bear’s Tooth Vol 3: Werner

By Yann & Henriet Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183512 To date this has been an exceptional series about three friends torn apart by the rise of Hitler and the outbreak of war. The first two volumes have taken the time to show us the depth of that initial friendship, the friends’ passion for aviation, and how, […]

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Distant Worlds: Episode 3

By Leo & Icar Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183796 Paul’s been rescued from his dilemma in the pearl beds and is even offered a job as a result, but it’s the search for his father that still occupies his mind. Declining the job he’s now stuck with little money, and to make matters worse a run […]

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