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Bunny vs Monkey: The Human Invasion

By Jamie Smart Publisher: David Fickling Books ISBN: 9781788451956 More Bunny vs Monkey? Oh, yes. This new book collects together the previous third and fourth volumes into one stonking-great-big book of comic madness. There’s lots to love in any Jamie Smart book, but there’s something particularly bonkers about Bunny vs Monkey. As the title suggests, […]

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Authorised Happiness 1

By Griffo & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184472 Near-future stories are a common staple of comics and science fiction. Taking an aspect of our contemporary culture and spinning it out to an extreme conclusion makes for some excellent storytelling possibilities. The trick, it seems, is to take the more mundane and innocent aspects, even […]

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Zookie The Dragon: On Your Marks

By Keri Johnson Published by: Zookie Cartoons Keri Johnson’s Zookie strip goes from strength to strength. She recently created a Kickstarter campaign to collect a recent story into a printed book and blitzed the funding goal – all extremely positive stuff.  The story involves Frizard, the frosty fire drake, challenging Zookie to a race for […]

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SAM Vol 4: We’ll Never Forget You

By Marazano & Shang Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183673 This concluding volume to the series sees the teens taking their fight directly to the machines. Encouraged by Ian’s escape, he leads the group deep into the bowels of the earth to where the robots have seemingly commandeered some sort of government or military facility. All of […]

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By Dan McDaid Publisher: A Dr Ink Production The most intriguing and compelling aspect of science fiction is its ability to explore ideas. Whether those ideas are the impacts of new technology, or possible futures for the human race, or even tantalising new forms of life, they all have the potential to fascinate. But another […]

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Gomer Goof Vol 7: Gomer, Duke Of Goofington

By Franquin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849185905 Fragmaggots. That’s your word for today. An extremely mild expletive, but with enough impact to turn heads and give all those within hearing pause. Please try to insert it into as many conversations as possible. Indeed, Fragmaggots could have been the title of this new volume. It’s a word […]

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