
By Dan McDaidCover to Dega by Dan McDaid

Publisher: A Dr Ink Production

The most intriguing and compelling aspect of science fiction is its ability to explore ideas. Whether those ideas are the impacts of new technology, or possible futures for the human race, or even tantalising new forms of life, they all have the potential to fascinate. But another way in which science fiction storytelling excels is by dropping the reader into a vaguely familiar scenario but something’s off, and because this is sci-fi, that something really can be anything. And now you get to sit back and unpick the narrative.

In Dan McDaid’s Dega we have exactly that set up. A young capable spacefarer, seemingly crash-landed on a desolate world, trying to make the most of their situation. Although desolate, the planet is far from uninhabited, but that’s the least of the danger. Something is amiss here that means time is of the essence, and escape from this world is imperative. As the tale unfolds you realise that suppositions you made at the beginning of the story have to be rethought. There’s more going on here than first met the eye.

I really like Dan’s illustration style. It’s looser than a lot of the current polished artists at DC and Marvel, but more dynamic for it. It reminds me of John Romita Jnr, and that can be no bad thing. Dan’s worked on a host of books – go check out his other work.

This is, without question, a vignette of a book. A comic-length tale presented instead in hardback. But it’s a good call. The large format, the striking artwork, and the vibrant page layouts enhance the underlying mystery. It’s a short story given all the more impact for its presentation. I was sent a digital review copy and the first four pages completely sold me on it. Preferring books to digital, I put my hand in my pocket and bought one.

I suggest you do too. Head on over to:

And if you liked that: You’ll no doubt also enjoy Planet Paradise

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