Tag Archives | Adventure

The Last Templar Vol 3: The Sunken Church

By Khoury & Lalor Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183215 The Templars mystery deepens within the pages of this book, opening with a further insight of the troubled flight of Martin in 1291, giving us a clue in the present day where the story will be heading.Tess is determined to get to the bottom of the manuscript […]

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The Survivors (Quantum Anomalies) Episode 4

By Leo Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183468 The fortunes of Marie and Alex go from bad to worse as their captors force them into a temporal rift, where they find themselves trapped along with their would-be rescuers, the Holorans Antac and Selkert. Not knowing just how far in to the future they’ve been flung the alien […]

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Mezolith Book 2: Stone Age Dreams & Nightmares

By Haggarty & Brockbank Publisher: Archaia ISBN: 9781608868315 Rather pleasingly, Haggarty and Brockbank’s Mezolith has returned with another collection of tales set in Stone Age Britain. The tales further expand on the beliefs and experiences of the Kansa tribe, and young Poika in particular as he prepares to leave boyhood behind. This book, along with […]

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Namibia: Episode 5

By Rodolphe, Leo & Marchal Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183307 With the 1950s just over the horizon, Kathy Austin and Vladimir are stealing into the heart of the Namibian base that they understand to be the home of extraterrestrial invaders of Earth, all made possible by a second race of beings keen on assisting the natives […]

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Thorgal Vol 18: The Kingdom Beneath The Sand

By Rosinski & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183451 It seems like an age since we last had a Thorgal book, so I grabbed this one as soon as it arrived and delved straight in. Thorgal and family have been searching for a new home for some time now, steadily sailing further and further south […]

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