The Last Templar Vol 3: The Sunken Church

By Khoury & Lalor
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 9781849183215

The Templars mystery deepens within the pages of this book, opening with a further insight of the troubled flight of Martin in 1291, giving us a clue in the present day where the story will be heading.Tess is determined to get to the bottom of the manuscript that’s come into their possession, but the location of ‘Fonsalis’ is proving too difficult to unravel. What’s more, many eyes are following her every move, from the police protection that’s been placed outside her home to the shady character tracking her movements and listening in to her conversations. But her determination pays off, and this means taking matters into her own hands, something Sean almost learns about too late, and from there they’re back on the trail of Martin 800 years before.

This is a brave adaptation of the best-selling novel, not least in that it needs to conform to the structures and beats of a four volume graphic album whilst maintaining the suspense and interest, and to the creators’ credit they keep that rhythm running throughout. The revelations in the final pages are dramatic and bold, revealing just how high the stakes are for all those concerned, and the wider world around them, setting the final volume up nicely.

Having never read the original novel it’s based upon I don’t know what’s coming next, but I’m certainly interested to find out just how they’ll resolve this predicament.

And if you liked that: Look out for the fourth and final part in the series

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