Tag Archives | Adventure

Thorgal Vol 20: Kriss Of Valnor

By Rosinski & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184229 It could be argued that things don’t get as grim as they were at the end of the previous Thorgal episode. And yet, with our curiosity piqued Van Hamme conjures up another script to drive the migrant family’s fortunes forward. Aaricia, Wolfcub and Jolan are slaves, […]

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Trent Vol 3: When The Lamps Are Lit

By Rodolphe & Leo Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183864 The loneliness of the frozen north is taking its toll on Trent and so he finally makes the decision to return to Agnes and propose, only to discover that the home she once lived in is abandoned and that she’s married another. The next we see of […]

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By Steve Skroce Publisher: Image ISBN: 9781534306738 Born the child of the most powerful being in the universe and a human mother, Will never really got to grips with the magical way of life. His father is the Maestro, the wizard king, and his only weakness appears to be Will’s mother, so when Will messes […]

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Distant Worlds Episode 1

By Leo & Icar Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183758 Rather splendidly, there’s a new Leo book out, and like Aldebaran it’s set on a distant colony world struggling to find its feet.  It begins with the arrival of a mother and her two young adult children, summoned to Altair-3 by the husband and father they’ve all […]

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Valerian And Laureline Vol 22: Memories From The Futures

By Mézières & Christin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183383 And so we reach the conclusion of Mézières and Christin’s saga, told across 22 volumes of creative, thoughtful and sometimes bizarre tales. This final book is an end piece, or an appendix, rather than the last chapter, collating a brief series of vignettes about characters we’ve met […]

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Valerian And Laureline Vol 21: The Time Opener

By Mézières & Christin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183376 I’ve been trying to avoid anything in the way of spoilers so was rather surprised to learn that this is in fact the final part of the saga, despite there being a volume 22 after this. I’d been anticipating a two book epic to bring everything to […]

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