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XIII: Thirteen To One (vol 8)

By Vance & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-089-4 The despicable and dastardly Mongoose affects a daring escape from a high security prison while XIII, now Jason McLane, is courted by the President to be his personal intelligence agent and track down whoever is Number I. McLane accepts and decides the only way to take […]

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Lucky Luke 30: The Dalton’s Escape

By Morris & Goscinny Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-091-7 I like it when the Daltons turn up in Lucky Luke. It's an excuse for a different kind of absurdity and usually means a new running gag between the four of them (which in this case features a convict's ball and chain). As the title may just […]

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The Astrosmurf

By Peyo Publisher: Papercutz ISBN: 978-1-859707-250-2 Another original Smurf book reprinted for the English-speaking market, and this time it's the turn of the Astrosmurf to take centre stage. The Astrosmurf dreams of travelling to new worlds and is captivated by the night sky. He decides to build himself the means to get there, so behind […]

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Darwin’s Diaries: 1 – The Eye Of The Celts

By Ocana and Runberg Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-095-5 Charles Darwin is something of hero to me, so I approached this book with mixed feelings as to how exactly they were going to place this important historical figure in a fictitious world. We first meet Darwin as he's taking in the sights of London Zoo with […]

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League Of Extraordinary Gentleman: Century – 1969

By Alan Moore & Kevin O'Neill Publisher: Knockabout ISBN: 978-0861661626 If your only experience of the League of Extraordinary Gentleman is that flaming awful movie then expunge it from your memory and start again. The LOEG series is a fantastic journey through history and literature, bringing together characters from countless tales and stories into one […]

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Thorgal Vol 10: The Sun Sword

By Rosinski & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-057-3 A welcome return for Thorgal in this, the tenth volume of the series. Thorgal stumbles upon the aftermath of an assault on a group of travellers, saving one of the survivors from the predations of a hungry bear. He than happens upon a farm and is […]

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