Archive | Reviews

Alone Vol 4: The Red Cairns

By Gazzotti &Vehlmann Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182560 Alone is achieving something rather special with it’s tale of children abandoned to fend for themselves when the majority of the population disappears. In many ways in feels like other post-apocalyptic narratives, and although it deals with some mature themes and harrowing situations, the creators don’t lose sight […]

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By Geoff Johns & Gary Frank Publisher: DC ISBN: 9781401246990 Blockbuster movies, eh? What’s making up a fair slice of them these days is the proliferation of superhero based properties,  thanks largely to the runaway success of the Marvel movies with their integrated universe and visual effects that have finally caught up with the genre. […]

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Lucky Luke Vol 46: The Pony Express

By Morris, Fauche & Léturgie Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181945 In my reviews for Lucky Luke I appear to have missed this one out, so I’m putting that right now! This book isn’t even close to the end of Morris’s long run on Lucky Luke, but it’s well into his run of collaborating with other writers, […]

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The Motherless Oven

By Rob Davis Publisher: Self Made Hero ISBN: 9781906838812 Sometimes a book comes along that offers such a strangely bizarre vision but you can’t help but stay sat on the spot until the very last page. This is one of those books. To all intents and purposes it could be the world we live in, […]

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Alone Vol 3: The Clan Of The Shark

By Gazzotti & Kehlmann Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781949182508 Alone is a well constructed, well presented thriller aimed at kids and young teens that mixes the simplistic outlook of childhood with having to survive in a world with no adults and very few other children. It treads a careful line between the darker horrors that reality […]

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The Realist

By Asaf Hanuka Publisher: Archaia ISBN: 9781608866885 Asaf Hanuka is an interesting conglomeration. He’s an Israeli cartoonist of Iraqi parentage, he’s married to a Polish wife, he’s a father, a workaholic, an atheist and a twin. He lives in a country that gives him a hard time because of his ancestral heritage and yet he […]

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