Archive | Reviews

Valerian & Laureline Vol 4: Welcome To Alflolol

By Mézières and Christin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-133-4 Here's an interesting science fiction concept for you. What should we do if the human race discovers an uninhabited planet and settles in to reap the natural resources for two hundred years only to discover that the native population have been off travelling and now want their […]

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Largo Winch vol 8: Shadow

By Francq and Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-075-7 Largo's facing his biggest threat to date, having been out-manouvered to such a degree that he and the W Group are in serious trouble. The W Group has been backed into a corner and it's Group Administrator appears to be deeply involved, while Largo himself finds […]

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Sticky Monsters

By John Kenn Mortensen Publisher: Square Peg ISBN: 9780224095761 Cartoonists are, by nature, habitual doodlers, but John Kenn Mortensen takes this a step further. His day job is writing and illustrating children's TV shows, but when he's not doing that he draws cartoons of monsters…on rectangular yellow Post-it notes. There are no gags here, although […]

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Nowt So Daft…

By Kieran Meehan Publisher: Meehan Cartoons ISBN: 978-0-9573082-1-3 Here's a little collection of single gag cartoons I came across online. Kieran Meehan is a syndicated cartoonist and member of the Canadian chapter of the National Cartoonists Society. The cartoons themselves are very much in the Far Side school, so expect the inevitable devils, Neolithic imbeciles […]

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Largo Winch Vol 7: Golden Gate

By Francq and Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-069-6 A slight change of pace for this Largo tale, and one that brings us to another arm of the W Group. This one involves a TV production company, a TV network, and some brazen tax avoidance, and, bizarrely, Largo's friend Simon who has somehow landed the […]

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Crogan’s Loyalty

By Chris Schweizer Publisher: ONI Press ISBN: 978-1-934964-40-8 It’s not often you come across a book that incorporates adventure, history and a striking cartoon style, told with intelligent storytelling and a respect for the period, and all wrapped up in a nicely designed hardback edition. So, when you do, it’s a book worth grabbing with […]

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