By Jigounov & Mythic Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781905460861 Julien (aka Alpha) and Assia are looking for a safe haven in Moscow while all around them various factions move to settle scores and thin the opposition. There are a lot of despicable individuals involved, and it all, essentially, comes down to greed. What was unexpected is […]
Archive | Reviews
Astro City Vol 8: Shining Stars
By Busiek, Anderson, Ross & Sinclair Publisher: Vertigo ISBN: 9781401229917 If you’ve not come across Astro City before then you’re missing a genuine treat. When you first discover them, superhero comics offer an exciting alternative existence full of wonder, impossibilities and potential, but the more you gorge on it the more you become acclimatised to […]
Alpha Vol 1: The Exchange
By Jigounov & Renard Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781905460595 Comics can be trivial and frivolous (and that’s not always a bad thing), but they can also be thoughtful and intelligent and Alpha certainly falls into that second category. Assia is a young gallery owner from Moscow visiting Paris to secure new pieces, although she also has […]
Lucky Luke Vol 45: Tying The Knot
By Achdér & Gerra Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181884 Cinebook bring us another modern Lucky Luke tale, expertly crafted in the style of Morris. This time the Dalton brothers have learnt that their prison sentence is being transferred into one of the noose – they’re to be hung. Even Lucky Luke is shocked that it has […]
Savage Wolverine: Kill Island
By Frank Cho Publisher: Marvel ISBN: 9780785167228 If you’re a fan of cartoons you may already know Frank Cho as the creator of the strip Liberty Meadows. He’s one of those terribly talented blokes who can write and draw, and when he draws nothing appears to be beyond his talent. He has a particular knack […]
Lucky Luke Vol 44: Lucky Luke Verses Pat Poker
By Morris Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181792 Another early outing for Lucky Luke in this pre-Goscinny collection of two tales involving the despicable Pat Poker, a card sharp and all-round dirty cheater. Luke first stumbles upon him after taking a job as a town’s sheriff, but having been robbed of his clothes, guns and Jolly Jumper […]