/By Mike Hatchard
Publisher: KM Publishing
ISBN: 9781848676398

The CCGB's very own Mike Hatchard has been busy putting together a book of nonsense poems aimed at helping children with their creative writing, reading and performance skills.

Like all good nonsense poems, the aim of the game here is to be ludicrous yet funny, which Mike seems to accomplish with ease, but not only has he written the poems but he’s drawn the accompanying illustrations too.

I asked my daughter to read it and her reaction began as bemusement, worked through amusement, and finished with contentment. So job done, then.

You’ll meet Mrs Gudoggan who is awfully fond of swimming around in her goldfish pond; the Candlebung that despite being a dog looked like a cat, and a Runcible Cat (with apologies to Edward Lear). And then there’s The Mouthless Gamboon:

The Mouthless Gamboon.
Owns a contra bassoon.
The poor thing can’t say it,
Let alone play it.

And if you liked that: You might like The Melancholy Death Of Oyster Boy by Tim Burton

Strange Animals & Even Stranger People P (Book)
Author: Mike Hatchard
Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
Published: 2013-05-13
Number of pages: 35
ISBN: 1848676395
12 new from
1 used from

Information accurate as of September 25, 2014, 1:57 pm

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