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Being a Cartoonist – Dave Follows

Being a Cartoonist – Dave Follows Featuring archive radio recording of Dave Follows interviewed by Franchesco Williams, with kind permission of BBC radio Stoke. A 20-minute archive footage documentary of Dave talking about his cartooning career featuring, how he started cartooning, New York Cartoonists, The Strike, 'May un Mar Lady' and the Creature feature and […]

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The Art of Donald McGill – George Orwell

George Orwell The Art of Donald McGill Webmaster's note: This essay was written in 1941 and has been posted un-edited. Please do not take offense at some of the phrases/language used. Click thumbnails to see larger images Who does not know the 'comics' of the cheap stationers' windows, the penny or twopenny coloured post cards […]

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The Other Side of Party Caricaturing

By Simon Ellinas The number of cartoonists hitching up their skirts and exposing their pulsating talents as party caricaturists is on the increase. So much so that die-hard publications cartoonists are in danger of becoming a minority. Of course, there are many who tackle a variety of cartooning jobs throughout their year but find that […]

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