Archive | Events

On-line social

Club members are invited to meet online for an hour at 7pm on Saturday 25 January. This informal Zoom session includes small breakout groups, so you can actively chat with other cartoonists from around the UK (and sometimes beyond). For less experienced cartoonists this is an ideal chance to put questions to longer-established artists: you […]

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Biff: a multimedia celebration

‘Cartoon Capers: from Cave Walls to Biff’ celebrates Biff cartoons, which have been skewering metropolitan artyfartiness since the 1970s. It’s a two-hour multimedia show mixing classic images with the off-beat often hilarious stories behind them; it also dips into cartoon history and marks the 80th birthday of Mick Kidd, Biff’s writer and co-creator. The readers […]

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On the evening of 23 November the Club will be holding a members-only video conference to give people a chance to meet their fellow cartoonists and illustrators. To get the conversational juices flowing we will kick off with a chat about artificial intelligence and how it affects us… And we will see where we go […]

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Lakes International Comic Arts Festival 2019

We’ve been heading to Kendal for the Lakes International Comics Art Festival for a few years now. Our stand, thanks to the handy hands of Rich Skipworth, has become a wall of members’ merchandise and cartoon prints. We always encourage members to attend and every year one or two new faces turn up and join […]

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