Tag Archives | Adventure

Showman Killer

By Jodorowsky & Fructus Publisher: Titan Comics ISBN: 9781782761396 Showman Killer is from the writer that brought us The Incal and if you enjoyed that then there’s plenty of familiar tones and beats in this book to keep you interested. The book opens with an unprincipled and self-serving scientist seeking to grow a genetically modified […]

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Valerian & Laureline Vol 11: The Ghosts Of Inverloch

By Mézières & Christin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182935 Laureline and Valerian are once again separated in their roles as spatio-temporal agents, working across time and space on the orders of the future Terran Galaxity. But all’s not well. Laureline is in Scotland at a roughly contemporary time to our own, enjoying the hospitality at Inverloch […]

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Mezolith: Stone Age Dreams & Nightmares Book 1

By Haggarty & Brockbank Publisher: Archaia ISBN: 9781608866991 Sorry to say that I missed the original David Fickling Books printing of this one, but fortunately spotted this American printing available from Page 45 in Nottingham. It’s the story of a boyhood from 10,000 years ago, set amongst a small tribe in Ancient Britain. The boy, […]

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Alone Vol 5: Eye Of The Maelstrom

By Gazzotti & Vehlmann Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182966 Alone, to date, has been a great series for kids that transcends age barriers as we follow a group of children trying to survive in an almost empty world. Although we’ve met a few other groups of children in a similar situation, there are no adults, so […]

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Wayne Shelton Volume 3: The Contract

By Denayer, Cailletau & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182690 Wayne Shelton is quite a daring series in that the lead character is, quite deliberately, an old fashioned action hero type who, although still capable, is ever-so-slightly past his prime. He has aged with grey around the temples, and he’s not quite up-to-speed with computers […]

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Barracuda Vol 4: Revolts

By Jean Dufaux & Jérémy Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182577 In Revolts we get to see a very nicely designed bit of crowd entertainment in the form of a sunken ship’s hull, just barely visible about the waterline, in which two sharks are kept. As part of his punishment Raffy must cross this ‘tank’ balancing on […]

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