Tag Archives | Adventure

The Marquis Of Anaon Vol 3: The Providence

By Vehlmann & Bonhomme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182775 The Providence sees Jean-Baptiste heading for Andalusia at the invitation of the young Countess of Almedía, keen to share in France’s Enlightenment. This requires passage on a ship which swiftly sails into a storm where Jean-Baptiste, curious as ever, drags himself on deck to witness the weather […]

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The Marquis Of Anaon Vol 2: The Black Virgin

By Vehlmann & Bonhomme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182652 Jean-Baptiste has now spent several months investigating strange goings on, bringing him to a community in the depths of winter towards the close of the year. In two subsequent years a young girl has been killed and the murders have been barbaric and bloody, leaving many of […]

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Highbone Theater

By Joe Daly Publisher: Fantagraphics ISBN: 9781606999226 Surreal yet grounded, unsettling yet normal, Joe Daly’s work is some of the strangest in comics. He sets his tales in suburbia amongst an assortment of drop-outs, slackers and oddities, all leading humdrum lives, and then odd stuff happens, often on a heroic scale. Highbone Theater is all […]

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The Last Templar Vol 1: The Encoder

By Khoury & Lalor Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182997 Cinebook’s new series is a tale that begins the Templar knights as they are forced to flee Jerusalem. With the battle all but lost two knights are entrusted with the task of getting a small chest away by sea, a mission they barely achieve. The story then […]

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Lucky Luke Vol 58: The Daltons’ Stash

By Morris Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182980 The Daltons’ Stash throws us another tale centred on the criminal brethren as they learn of a forger’s hidden stash of loot from their jail cell. The fact that the stash is simply a ruse by the forger to encourage the Daltons to escape and give him some peace […]

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Valerian & Laureline Vol 12: The Wrath Of Hypsis

By Mézières & Christin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183048 With the recent ComicCon footage of the Luc Besson Valerian movie being well received more people than ever, particularly in the English speaking world, are turning their attention to the source material. And that can’t be a bad thing for Cinebook who’ve put a lot of effort […]

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