Archive | Reviews

Alone Vol 6: The Fourth Dimension And A Half

By Gazzotti & Vehlmann Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183079 When the latest volume of Alone arrives in our house there’s a bit of a fight as to who reads it first (I don’t always win). Gazzotti and Vehlmann’s creation manages to appeal across age groups and gender, neither talking down nor shying away from more difficult […]

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The Walking Dead Vol 26: Call To Arms

By Kirkman, Adlard, Gaudiano & Rathburn Publisher: Image ISBN: 9781632159175 As I type this the new series of Walking Dead started on TV last night and we got to find out which long-time cast member got to meet Lucille up close and personal, courtesy of the menacing Negan. Meanwhile, over in the books (the collected […]

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Good Dog, Bad Dog: Double Identity

By Dave Shelton Publisher: David Fickling Books ISBN: 9781910989005 Dogs. The city is full of them. And we get to follow two of their finest, a pair of cops called Bergman and McBoo as they aim to keep the streets of Muttropolis clean. It’s a city with a thriving movie business, based in Collie-wood, and […]

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Namibia: Episode 3

By Rodolphe, Leo & Marchal Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182836 Kathy Austin is in a coma in a hospital in Namibia while in America a disabled preacher of a small Chicago church is gently manipulated to capitalise on his particular brand of faith. The figure doing the manipulating, however, is unlikely to be of a religious […]

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