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Largo Winch Vol 4: The Hour Of The Tiger

By Francq & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-905460-99-1 What's genuinely interesting about Largo Winch is the circumstances that surround the hero, meaning situations are given anything from a slight to an exceptionally different spin due to his wealth and position. This volume is certainly a lot less about the world of business, but Largo's […]

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Kirby: Genesis

By Busiek, Ross & Herbert Published by Dynamite ISBN: 978-1-60690-342-1 If you've ever read the epic Marvel tale Marvels, delighted in DC's Justice, or lost yourself amongst the pages of the many Astro City tales, then you'll fully appreciate the amazing multi-layered, multi-threaded, multi-character stories that the likes of Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross excel […]

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Spooks: 2. Century Club

By Rossi, Dorison & Nury Publisher: Cinebook ISBN:978-1-84918-129-7 In an era between the cowboy and the Untouchables, a group of investigators have been hired to get to the bottom of a very real threat to the country's ruling elite. Already many have died, so Morton Chapel and his team are under pressure to find results […]

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XIII: Release The Hounds (vol 14)

By Vance and Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-128-0 Well, I hope you've been paying attention, because we're up to volume 14 now and the revelations and twists keep coming. Despite all the recaps and reminders, it's starting to get a little tricky to keep up, especially when we're dealt yet another hand of everything's […]

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Lucky Luke 32: Rails On The Prairie

By Morris & Goscinny Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-104-4 This is the first collaboration on Lucky Luke between Morris and his creation and the man that would go on to be one of the most successful comic writers in the business, René Goscinny. Originally published over fifty years ago, this early stab at Luke's adventures is […]

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