Archive | Reviews

Hellboy In Hell Vol 1: The Descent

By Mignola & Stewart Publisher: Dark Horse ISBN: 9781616554446 So, Hellboy’s dead. But the story doesn’t end there. As a creature from the pit Hellboy now finds himself descending into the abyss and having to confront gargantuan monstrosities and the Hellish politics of the suddenly timid lords that rule there. This involves allying himself with […]

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Alone Vol 1: The Vanishing

By Gazzotti & Vehlmann Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181969 This is a relatively new, and award-winning, series focusing on five children who awake to find that everyone they know and love – in fact, everyone in the city – has mysteriously disappeared, leaving them to fend for themselves. The children are made up of a talented […]

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Cartoons On Demand

By Royston Robertson Publisher: Royston Robertson ISBN: 9781304954664 Royston’s got another book out chockablock with cartoons largely based around wry observations on modern life, or, to be more exact, technology. Royston’s a prolific gag cartoonist with regular work appearing in Prospect, The Spectator, Reader’s Digest and Private Eye, which is either testament to his cartooning […]

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The Adventures Of Blake & Mortimer Vol 12: Atlantis Mystery

By Edgar P. Jacobs Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181075 Professor Mortimer has been exploring on the Sao Miguel island and, thinking he’s made a remarkable discovery, summons Captain Blake via letter. However, somehow on route, the letter is intercepted and almost immediately a group of nefarious individuals are dogging their every step. What Mortimer has found […]

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By Mike Hatchard Publisher: KM Publishing ISBN: 9781848676398 The CCGB's very own Mike Hatchard has been busy putting together a book of nonsense poems aimed at helping children with their creative writing, reading and performance skills. Like all good nonsense poems, the aim of the game here is to be ludicrous yet funny, which Mike […]

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Alpha Vol 4: Sanctions

By Jigounov & Mythic Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181822 With this latest volume the series really hits its stride as repercussions for past failures and the ghosts of the Cold War haunt CIA operatives. This all takes place during a visit by a delegation of Russians to Washington where Alpha and a small team must play […]

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