Archive | Reviews

Gomer Goof Vol 3: Gone With The Goof!

By Franquin  Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184090 Franquin’s absurdly useless creation returns for another volume. By now we’re all quite familiar with Gomer’s world and place of work, so certain repeating gags and call-backs just keep working better and better. As featured on the cover, this book features Gomer’s efforts to make a new musical instrument […]

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King Coo: The Curse Of The Mummy’s Gold

By Adam Stower Publisher: David Fickling Books ISBN: 9781788450522 Every now and then you come across a book that sits slightly outside the norm, and this is very much one of those. Aimed at kids, this combines prose with comic-style storytelling. And it’s about a girl called King Coo who has a beard and lives […]

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Bluecoats Vol 12: The David

By Lambil & Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184304 The Bluecoats always manages to trip me up slightly with my expectations. I think this is largely down to the disconnect between the playful cartoon style of the illustrations and the harsh reality that is war. Unlike an Asterix book, for example, when a Roman is launched […]

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By Tillie Walden Publisher: Self Made Hero ISBN: 9781910593417 This one has sat on my shelf for some while. A story about a young girl and ice skating wasn’t convincing me it would hold my attention, so I’ve been forever passing it over for another book. That was until the evening before last. Ice skating […]

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Twenty Years Later

By Dany & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184151 In this follow up book to Story Without A Hero the timeframe jumps two decades. The survivors of the air crash in the jungle made good with their improvised hot air balloon escape and are now living separate lives, not least Laurent who has grown to […]

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By Guilherme Petreca Publisher: Top Shelf ISBN: 9781603094405 This is Guilherme Petreca’s first graphic novel, and for somebody as young as he is there’s a wealth of wisdom and thoughtfulness within these pages. The story focuses on the character of Ye, a young man who works in the fields with the rest of the villagers. […]

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