Archive | Reviews

Spooks Vol 4: The 46th State

By Rossi, Dorison & Nury Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181853 It’s not been an easy time for the Spooks out in Cuba, and now elections have arrived to set the country’s future. The US occupiers want the result to go their way, which would see Cuba becoming the newest US State, and now there’s only one […]

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Learn To Speak Cat

By Anthony Smith Publisher: Souvenir Press ISBN: 9780285642317 CCGB member Anthony Smith has had two books out recently (see the review on this site for Bad Dog No Biscuit) and this one concerns the pet of the feline variety. Learn To Speak Cat collects many of his regular gag cartoons from the Metro newspaper. The […]

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Wayne Shelton Vol 2: The Betrayal

By Denayer & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181846 A new parcel arrived from Cinebook yesterday and the first book I grabbed was this one. Van Hamme’s no stranger to writing a decent thriller so I’ll gladly reach for anything written by him, but this new (to us reading in English) creation is still something […]

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Corto Maltese: The Ballad Of The Salt Sea

By Hugo Pratt Publisher: Universe ISBN: 9780789324986 I visited the Tintin Museum near Brussels a couple of years ago and nearby was a comic shop chock-full of European graphic albums. What was visually striking about the place was that the back wall was completely covered with comic-related prints, and the vast majority of these was […]

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Abe Sapien Vol 3: Dark And Terrible

By Mignola, Arcudi, Allie, Fiumara & Fiumara Publisher: Dark Horse ISBN: 9781616552848 Lots of comic arcs are short, brief, self-contained stories set within the wider world of that particular character, so this means you get a world-changing/life-changing threat each time and then everything pretty much gets returned to normal by the end of the arc […]

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Private Eye: A Cartoon History

Edited by Nick Newman Publisher: Private Eye Productions ISBN: 978901784619 A stupendously meaty tome and no mistake, featuring 50 years of cartoons from the pages of one of the UK’s most important publications. Broken down into decades, the intention has been to avoid many of the topical cartoons that date so quickly and instead concentrate […]

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