Spooks Vol 4: The 46th State

/By Rossi, Dorison & Nury
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 9781849181853

It’s not been an easy time for the Spooks out in Cuba, and now elections have arrived to set the country’s future. The US occupiers want the result to go their way, which would see Cuba becoming the newest US State, and now there’s only one man in the running for the top job and he’s a US pawn.

The Spooks' mission was to uncover and deal with the threat of Islero, a mysterious figure who is creating zombies from the American soldiers and building hope amongst the down-trodden locals in their desire for freedom. That mission has gone badly and has left Kathryn buried alive, but fortunately that's swiftly rectified and the tide begins to turn as Morten Chapel finds a way through the mire of politics and intrigue.

But even after tackling the twin threats of Weyler and Islero, the outcome for ordinary Cubans is looking bleak indeed and it takes a bold plan from Chapel to make a difference.

Four volumes in and the characters are rounding out nicely. Chapel has complicated personal problems concerning his daughter, Bishop opens his heart about his feelings for Kathryn, and Bart Trumble takes an emotional and a physical beating and still manages to come out on top, and whose future trajectory could possibly be the most interesting of them all. We also get to see more of Clayton’s manipulative side, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t immune from a little manipulation himself.

Spooks offers a rich blend of historical action, supernatural danger, and heroic teamwork, intelligently told and beautifully drawn throughout. Its turn of the (previous) century setting is vibrant and detailed, giving the perfect backdrop on which the characters thrive. This is a book that promises much for its future direction as the characters grow and we’re drawn deeper into their world, and it’s one I look forward to reading more of.

And if you liked that: Volume five is coming soon

Spooks Vol. 4 : The 46th State (Book)
Author: Christian Rossi
Publisher: CINEBOOK
Published: 2014-01-02
Number of pages: 64
ISBN: 1849181853
Price: £8.99
32 new from £3.49
7 used from £4.59

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 10:29 am

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