Zookie The Dragon

By Keri Johnson
Publisher: Keri Johnson

Starting out as a cartoonist these days is no easy thing with so few publications publishing gags and strips. Fortunately this has gone hand in hand with the growth of the webcomic, where cartoonists are free to explore their creativity and test material. You may have  come across the excellent documentery Stripped that takes a look at a few strips that have made it big this way.

One of our newest members, Keri Johnson, has been posting her Zookie the Dragon strip online for a while, building her audience and developing her skills, and has now collated some of those strips into her first book.

Zookie’s a happy-go-lucky chap with a fondness for biscuits and doughnuts. There’s also Frizard the ice dragon; Zookie’s little brother Sparky; Cinder, a Welsh red dragon, and Aero, who’s a bit of a tinker.

The themes largely revolve around food, fire and friendship, and as you leaf through the book  you can see Keri grow in confidence as both a writer and an illustrator. Her cartooning style is appealling and full of expression, combining all the ingredients needed for a family-friendly humour strip.

Hats off to her for putting in so much effort to date. Fingers crossed that she gets to reap the reward in the years to come.

And if you enjoyed that: See more of Keri’s work at www.zookiecartoons.com where you can also order your copy of the book.

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