
By Fred JefferiesLove-Bites
Publisher: Book Guild Publishing
ISBN: 9781910508282

For those of you who don’t know CCGB member Fred Jefferies, his story’s an inspiring one.

After a life earning a living as a freelance cartoonist Fred became registered blind in 2001, a tragedy for most but somewhat more heartbreaking for someone who created visual gags for fifty years. However, with the help of St Dunstan’s (now Blind Veterans UK) Fred began drawing again in 2011. The result is this brilliant collection of colourful gags based around the theme of love.

It’s a jam-packed hardback collection, which covers love both literally and laterally with cartoons about cheeky ventriloquist dummies, excessive pole-vaulting and concerned giraffes.

Each of the cartoons is accompanied by a “Love is…” title giving rise to an accompanying gag, which sometimes is about loving relationships, but equally has inspired something off at a tangent, such as “Love is…finding your way” with a dentist leaning over his thickly-bearded patient with the patient saying “It is open!”.

In another, under the title “Love is… caring” a doctor is explaining to his worried looking patient, “If I put you on Viagra your wife’s going to get her headaches back again!”.

I also particularly liked “Love is…protecting your interests”, with a dapper man raising his hat with a grin to a passing young lady, and the man’s scowling wife mirroring his actions by lifting his toupee. Brilliant.

Treat a loved one and at the same time give a supporting nod to the superbly inspiring individual that is Fred Jefferies.

And if you liked that: There are more CCGB members’ books available on our website, here


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