Benny Breakiron In The Twelve Trials Of Benny Breakiron

/By Peyo
Publisher: Papercutz
ISBN: 9781597074926

Benny Breakiron’s third outing sees him coming to the aid of Monsieur Dussiflard, the taxi driver. Some years ago he played in a jazz band who themselves stepped in and settled a large bill at the bar they were playing at run up by an Arabic gentleman who had mistakenly come out without any money. To show his thanks, the man gave the band the deed to a fiefdom in his country which, until now, was just thought to be sand and rock. Not knowing what to do with the deed, the band members divided it into equal pieces that they would each look after.

Now that Arabic gentleman is the Emir of his country, and to top it all off, oil has been discovered on the land owned by the band, and they’re all set to become billionaires, except most of them are in the dark as to their good fortune and somebody out there is attempting to collect the deed’s pieces for themselves. After an unsuccessful attempt to steal Monsieur Dussiflard’s, Benny tags along to contact the other members of the jazz band and prevent the culprit from achieving their villainy.

We get to travel all over France, and beyond, in the search of the band members, and each visit is married up with a despicable act countered with a heroic gesture, and display of strength, from Benny, be it rounding up circus animals, catching a plane (literally), or excavating a tunnel from a collapsed mine.

Nobody takes Benny’s claims of superhuman strength seriously, and as a child he’s pretty much under the noses and yet still out of sight of those he encounters, allowing him to save the day. He’s not egotistical, he’s not vulgar, and he’s not self-centred, and despite the company of Monsieur Dussiflard you get the idea he may be a somewhat lonely child, but he is charming and he’s determined to see that the right thing is done.

With enough wit to make you smile this gentle cartoon adventure stands the test of time. One to share with your children.

And if you liked that: Book 4 is out already

The Twelve Trials of Benny Breakiron (Book)
Author: Peyo
Publisher: Papercutz
Published: 2014-01-21
Number of pages: 63
ISBN: 1597074926
30 new from
9 used from

Information accurate as of September 25, 2014, 11:27 pm

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