Archive | Reviews

SAM Volume 3: A Million Winters

By Marazano & Shang Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183154 Apocalyptic futures are pretty much the order of the day now and there are many tropes and narrative directions that have been explored. For the creators, the trick is to keep the storytelling absorbing, the characters interesting and the visuals engaging while exploring different paths as yet […]

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Spirou & Fantasio Vol 11: The Wrong Head

By Franquin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183130 The latest Spirou and Fantasio adventure takes a leap back to an earlier Franquin exploit where something rum is going on at Fantasio’s house. He’s suffered a break-in but the only thing that appears to have been taken are some simple passport photos. To perk him up Spirou suggests […]

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Alpha …directions

By Jens Harder Publisher: Knockabout ISBN: 9780861662456 Alpha …directions is a hugely important book, especially if you’re someone who struggles with the concept of deep time or the practicalities of slow and gradual change in living organisms. The book covers 14 billions years, and tells the story of Earth and the creatures upon it from […]

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Spirou & Fantasio Vol 10: Virus

By Tome & Janry Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182973 Hot on the trail of a story about mysterious goings-on at an Antarctic research centre, Fantasio gets through a security cordon at the docks to investigate an impounded cargo ship that has travelled directly from there. The reason for the cordon is down to the ship being […]

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Tree Mail

By Brian Smith & Mike Raicht Publisher: Dark Horse ISBN: 9781506700960 Here’s a quirky one. Rudy is a frog living on Popomoko Island. The frogs all join the Croaker Battalion, but Rudy has always been fascinated by the Air Delivery Corps, deliverers of envelopes and parcels to the island’s residents. The fact the Flight Corps […]

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