Archive | Reviews

Lucky Luke 34: The Daltons, Always On The Run

By Morris & Goscinny Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 978-1-84918-119-8 Luke comes unstuck when the Daltons aren't even given the opportunity to escape from jail but are instead released as part of a national amnesty. Never a wise move, they immediately spring into mischief by playing to Lucky Luke's expectations as they lead him to believe they've […]

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Figures Of Speech

By John Jensen Published by MyBooks ISBN: 9780755214808 One of the best books I've come across in ages is Figures of Speech by John Jensen, and for no other reason than its utterly absurd brilliance. I've read many a book about the wonders of the English language and have always delighted in its uncanny ability […]

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Thorgal vol 13: Ogotai’s Crown

By Rosinski and Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181426 Another Thorgal book, and another unexpected twist. I love the way Van Hamme approaches these stories, setting them in the time of the Vikings with all the history that entails, but allowing elements of fables and legends to bleed into that world, and to cap it […]

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Building Stories

By Chris Ware Publisher: Jonathon Cape ISBN: 978-0224078122 What’s particularly exciting about anything by Chris Ware is that you know you’re going to be entertained for some time. Not just a creative cartoonist and talented writer, Ware also has a keen eye for design and it’s something he considers to be integral to the storytelling […]

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Thorgal Vol 12: The Brand Of Exiles

By Rosinski and Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181365 Thorgal himself takes a back seat in this volume. He's lost his memory and the despicable Kriss of Valnor has persuaded him that he has a life with her. This has left his wife, Aaricia, and the children Jolan and Wolfcub, fending for themselves for some […]

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Berlin – The Seven Dwarves

By Marvano Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181358 As the void between today and the Second World War grows wider it does seem that there's an increasing amount of tales associated with it bordering on the absurd and the comical. There's a danger there that the grim realities of those years get lost in grandiose heroic fiction […]

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