By Milo Manara Publisher: Dark Horse ISBN: 9781506703398 Often the illustrator of other people’s stories, Milo Manara has brought his formidable talents to the page once again, but this time as the writer as well. The topic is one of the world’s greatest painters, Caravaggio, clearly a personal passion and inspiration for Manara and one […]
Archive | Reviews
Lucky Luke Vol 54: Rodeo
By Morris Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182591 Another early collection of Lucky Luke tales at a time when Morris was doing all the hard graft as artist and writer. First of all there’s Rodeo, where Luke stops off in a town looking for a bed for the night only to cross paths with a bully of […]
Tuppence: The Daily Doings Of A Dipsy Dog
By Noel Ford Publisher: Noel Ford ISBN: 9780244000820 I’ve been asked to review the CCGB Chairman’s new book. I think it’s only fair to point this out… Knowing that Noel has produced a few children’s novels in his time, when I first saw Tuppence mentioned I presumed it was another of those, but in fact it’s […]
The Last Templar Vol 2: The Knight In The Crypt
By Khoury & Lalor Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183086 This second volume, based on the bestselling novel, kicks off with another historical flashback that teases the nature of the secret and those those keen to obtain it for themselves. Back in present day New York the FBI agents are trying to get their collective heads around […]
The World Of Edena
By Moebius Publisher: Dark Horse ISBN: 9781506702162 Dark Horse have got together with France’s Moebius Productions to release the first complete English translation of Moebius’s ambitious story. It’s a massive book, reproducing the artwork at the European album size and presenting it in a hardback volume that deservedly suits the material. Starting life as a […]
Orbital Vol 6: Resistance
By Pellé & Runberg Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182621 Caleb and Mezoke are on the run, hiding out amongst a community of exiles, while back in Confederate space Acherod forces continue their occupation of Earth. Mezoke has been hopeful that Caleb’s psychic fits are a thing of the past until a fresh one hits resulting in […]