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Largo Winch Vol 15: Crossing Paths

By Francq & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182393 The latest outing for Largo sees the adventure move to the streets of London, beginning with a bombing in an elderly couple’s Chelsea property and some cloak and dagger goings-on on a flight into Heathrow. Largo’s closest allies are joining him in London for a little […]

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Nemo: River Of Ghosts

By Moore & O’Neill Publisher: Knockabout/Top Shelf ISBN: 9780861662333 River Of Ghosts gives us the third outing of the original Captain Nemo’s daughter, Janni, as she maintains her father’s legacy. As with all the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen books, it’s jam-packed full of literary and cultural references, this time featuring everything from the Creature From […]

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Melusine Vol 5: Tales Of The Full Moon

By Clarke & Gilson Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849182126 Melusine is a superbly drawn comic tale of an adorable young witch and her group of friends, all of which are in some way monsters, creatures of the night, or of myth, fairytale and legend. Melusine is herself a teen as she’s still studying and the majority […]

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Harvey Kurtzman’s Jungle Book

By Harvey Kurtzman Publisher: Dark Horse & Kitchen Sink ISBN: 9781616555634 Back in 1958 Harvey Kurtzman wasn’t doing so well. The creator of Mad had been turfed out of his own creation and several other projects had either failed or just failed to materialise. However, there was a glimmer of hope because the company responsible […]

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Wisher Vol 3: Glee

By De Vita & Latour Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781949182300 Glee fills in some more about the situation that has led Nigel to where he is now, including the possibility that one of the wishes was used to make the world forget about his existence. In order to be sure as to the true nature of […]

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The Borgias

By Jodorowsky & Manara Publisher: Dark Horse ISBN: 9781616555429 The Vatican has seen many lamentable moments in its long history, with a particular period when some pretty despicable figures pushed their way to the front of the queue to become Pope. The Borgias family, and in particular Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI), are thought to […]

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