Tag Archives | American Civil War

The Bluecoats Vol 17: The Draft Riots

By Lambil & Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800441248 The Union is struggling with manpower in its war with the Confederacy. Battles have taken their toll and volunteers are drying up. As a consequence, Lincoln and his advisors must rely on the draft. This, though, isn’t ideal, as the wealthy can buy their way out of […]

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The Bluecoats No 16: Sallie

By Lambil and Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440890 Cinebook has been translating the Bluecoats series in steady succession for some years now. For older Brits, more accustomed to the likes of Asterix, a cartoon-rendering of the American Civil War might seem like a strange juxtaposition. But if you’ve cast a broader net on European comics […]

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The Bluecoats Vol 15: Bull Run

By Lambil and Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440616 Having recently read a novel about the battle of Bull Run, this latest Bluecoats adventure had me itching to read it. It involves a look back to the very first battle of the war where, as far as the North was concerned, victory was inevitable and the […]

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The Bluecoats Vol 14: The Dirty Five

By Lambil & Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440043 With both sides in the Civil War battling themselves to a standstill, the Yankees are feeling the strain. Having lost so many men, and with a cavalry of three, Chesterfield and Blutch are ‘volunteered’ to seek out fresh recruits. The trouble is, too many men are more […]

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Bluecoats Vol 12: The David

By Lambil & Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184304 The Bluecoats always manages to trip me up slightly with my expectations. I think this is largely down to the disconnect between the playful cartoon style of the illustrations and the harsh reality that is war. Unlike an Asterix book, for example, when a Roman is launched […]

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