Miss Endicott Part 2

By Fourquemin & Derrien
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 9781849185455

Prudence Endicott has returned from India to take up the position of Nanny to a young boy. But that’s only half the story. She has also taken up the mantle of city Conciliator after the tragic death of her mother, and she’s done it with gusto. Unfortunately, or perhaps, fortunately, we’ve just learned that her mother, Marguerite, isn’t as dead as advertised. She’s very much alive and has a bee in her bonnet, a city to save, and she won’t let anyone stand in her way, and that includes her daughter. Meanwhile, Prudence has another issue to deal with – the kidnapping of Evan, the boy she is employed to look after. With her mother steadfastly focused on the bigger threat at the expense of everything else, Prudence must save Evan and the day. 

Belittled and sidelined, Prudence proves to be sympathetic and courageous as the creators continue to fashion a very likeable character. This is in stark contrast to her mother who comes across very differently. Her no-nonsense approach to the city’s problems may get results, but it’s done with less heart and more brutality. This second book carries on the stupendous artwork and tight writing of the first, and barrels along like a speeding horse-drawn cab. With its opening segment on the rooftops, it again smacks a little of a superhero yarn – nothing wrong with that – and anyone that’s read Gotham by Gaslight will get the idea. Although it’s drawing on elements of that genre, that’s not what it’s trying to be, though. This is an urban fantasy adventure, with mystery, steampunk machines, and a hidden underworld.

If truth be told, I was a little disappointed in the final summing up. How Prudence Endicott chooses to leave matters doesn’t chime with her actions earlier on, and at no point does the writer give us any reasons quite why she does what she does. Having cheered her on throughout I couldn’t help but feel a little let down by that final page. But that’s a very minor concern compared to the very satisfying sum of the rest of the two books. And, after all, you may disagree and find it most fitting. I certainly would encourage you to buy a copy and find out for yourself.

And if you liked that: Head on over to www.cinebook.com and pick up Alone.

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