nik scott
Released: 18 November, 2005 |
Nik Scott is one of those cartoonists who saw the potential of the internet before most of us had even bought our first 56k modem. His new book Web Junkie collects together his Cran and Lerma web cartoons which have featured on the web since 1995 as well as in newspapers across the world. Nik certainly seems in tune with the online world, dealing with a variety of subjects including chatrooms, blogging, forums and the people who use them, in a smart and funny manner. If you've ever used a computer to communicate with people, there's a good chance you'll recognise and laugh along with the situations Lerma and her friends find themselves in. The artwork is loose and lively and all the better for it, with that real 'straight in with the pen, none of yer pencil roughs, mate!' feel.
I like it. I like it a lot.
So you're probably asking yourself Who's this Nik Scott fella, and why should I buy this book? Hmmm, what should I have for tea? Where did I leave those carkeys? Ooh look, a badger Ö Unfortunately, I can't help you with your attention deficit disorder but I can answer the first question. Nik was born in the UK and headed to Australia at the age of 17, where he carved out his career as a cartoonist, and a busy one at that, illustrating more than 100 books, exhibiting his work throughout the world and producing editorial, gag and strip cartoons for everyone from The New York Times to Rolling Stone.
Should you buy this book? It's a funny read, and if you're into computers and the web it's definitely worth a look (it has to be said, if you're a bit of a technophobe you'll probably go 'huh?' at most of the terms and references). Head over to www.nikscott.com for information about ordering it, and to see a variety of the strips featured in the book.
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