Apache Canyon: A Lucky Luke Adventure Vol. 17

/By Morris & Goscinny
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 978-1-905460-92-2

It could be very easy for the Lucky Luke books to descend into crass stereotypes, but somehow Goscinny's writing avoids this pitfall by playing up the positive aspects of cultural differences and instead lampooning those less gracious similarities we all share. Apache Canyon could so easily have been a dodgy read, but instead what you get is a well-balanced portrait of both sides of the story. There's no doubt that the white man treated the Native Americans atrociously, and that's not glossed over, but the focus is really on the personal stories of individuals and how we react to threats and fears. The more I read Lucky Luke the more I appreciate the work of its creators, and Apache Canyon underlines this as one of the most enjoyable so far.

And if you liked that: If you've not already done so, visit Cinebook's website and pick up Volume 1

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