The Bluecoats 4: The Greenhorn

/Bby Lambil & Cauvin
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 978-1-84918-066-5

Set during the American Civil War, the Bluecoats books follow the adventures of two cavalrymen in the Union Army. One is a loyal and determined sergeant called Cornelius Chesterield while the other is Corporal Blutch who, while not a coward, sees little point in throwing his life away in battle and so does his best to avoid the slaughter.

The Greenhorn sees the two mean on leave and returning to the fort where Chesterfield has lost his heart to the daughter of the Colonel. But upon arriving he finds her dancing with a handsome young lieutenant fresh from the academy which sets the two on a collision course that has wider implications for the peace and prosperity of the local area.

Presented in a lovely cartoon style, you’d be forgiven for thinking this was light-hearted stuff, and although it has its slapstick and comical moments, it continuously holds a mirror up to the absurdities and horrors of war. Lambil and Cauvin are clearly American Civil War enthusiasts as there’s plenty of period detail here which makes it all the more a richer read, and Cauvin works hard to balance the tragedy with the comedy.

And if you liked that: Pick up any of the Clifford titles, also by Cinebook.

Bluecoats, The Vol.4: The Greenhorn (Book)
Author: Willy Lambil Raoul Cauvin
Publisher: CINEBOOK
Published: 2011-01-06
Number of pages: 48
ISBN: 1849180660
Price: £5.99
30 new from £1.83
8 used from £2.28

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 10:50 am

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