Lucky Luke Vol 43: The Bluefeet Are Coming

/By Morris
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 9781849181730

Another very early Lucky Luke adventure, with Morris still finding his feet somewhat on the look and general feel of the strips, but there’s still more than enough of the brilliance of the later strips alive and kicking in here to make it more than worth your while. In this tale Luke is present in a saloon during a card game in which a rather despicable character, Cucaracha, is fleecing the local sheriff of his hard earned wages. Luke spots that the miscreant is cheating but before he can rectify matters he and the sheriff are held ay bat at gunpoint while Cucaracha makes his mistake, only to run into the Native American tribe known as the Bluefeet. Cucaracha manages to persuade them to team up with him to attack the town with the promise of plentiful fire-water, and so begins a comedic stand off between the town and the attackers.

Jolly Jumper still isn’t the character that Goscinny helps develop, but we can see the inspiration for that later personality right here with Morris providing him with several comic moments that bring him more centre stage. There are lots of other worthy gags too, including the superstitious Sheriff and the town’s reaction to their siege as the food runs out.

As you’d expect, typically great through and through. It’s been a pleasure to date to see how the strip developed through these early volumes, so more than happy to read more.

And if you liked that: Check out the Lucky Luke back catalogue at

Lucky Luke Vol.43 The Bluefeet are Coming! (Lucky Luke Adventures) (Book)
Author: Morris
Publisher: CINEBOOK
Published: 2013-10-03
Number of pages: 48
ISBN: 184918173X
Price: £6.99
36 new from £2.25
11 used from £3.29

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 6:36 am

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