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Fizzers – Famous Scottish Faces Caricatured

Fizzers (Book) Scottish Cartoon Art StudioReleased: April, 2006 'Fizzer' is Scots slang for 'face'. The artists of the Scottish Cartoon Art Studio have drawn thousands of faces since they set up shop in 1999. Now they have gathered together over 100 of their best caricatures of famous names from all walks of Scottish life. Fizzers […]

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The Complete Calvin and Hobbes: Vol 1,2 and 3

The Complete Calvin and Hobbes: v. 1, 2, 3 (Book) Bill WattersonReleased: September, 2005 Postmen of the world rejoice – another fantastically heavy cartoon collection has arrived to aggravate your back problems! Weighing in at a hernia inducing 23 pounds, The Compete Calvin and Hobbes does exactly what it says on the tinÖ erÖ cover; […]

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Bone: One volume collection (Book) Jeff SmithReleased: July, 2004 The award winning comic book Bone has finally been collected into one large volume (apparently available for only a short period of time) and anyone unfamiliar with Jeff Smith's work is in for a treat. Set plenty of time aside however, since the book comes in […]

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Flight (Book) Bengal, Bill Mudron, Catia Chien, Clio Chiang, Chris Appelhans, Derek Kirk Kim, Dylan Meconis, Enrico Casarosa, Erika Moen, Hope LarsonReleased: 30 September, 2004 You may be unfamiliar with the majority of the artists featured in these graphic novel anthologies and that's partly the reason they exist – as a showcase for the emerging […]

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Peter Sellers and Terry Thomas – Carlton-Browne of the F.O. Sherriffs at the cinema: A collection of caricatures from the world of films (Book) Simon Bond/Nicholas Bromley. I remember picking this up at one of those cheap bookstores for three quid about 10 years ago, having no idea who Robert Sherriffs was, but immediately transfixed […]

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Humorous Illustration: The Top Artists of Our Time Talk About Their Work (Book) Federico Fellini, Nick MeglinReleased: 28 June, 2001 This book looks at the work of 14 highly successful cartoonists and illustrators from the 20th century and gives a good insight to their techniques and creative process. Humorous illustration itself is a broad term […]

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