By Florian Grosset Publisher: Myriad Editions ISBN: 9781912408672 This isn’t a work of fiction, but the story of an action by the British Government that displaced an entire archipelago. Decades later the remaining survivors and their descendants continue to fight to return to their homeland, and although they receive occasional media coverage their story is […]
Archive | Reviews
Return To Aldebaran: Episode 3
By Leo Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440241 It’s both intriguing and frustrating that after so many books Leo refuses to offer answers to many of the mysteries he introduces in these books. This is not a criticism, though. In fact, it’s commendable. We understand so little of our own planet that to quickly understand histories, alien […]
Alcohol & Painkillers: Journal Of A Lockdown Layabout – Sep 2020-Feb 2021
By Rich Nairn Publisher: Rich Nairn ISBN: 9798726737454 Having really enjoyed the first of Rich Nairn’s cartoon diaries, charting the global pandemic and his part in it, I was particularly tickled to be sent volume two. As with the first book, this is instantly relatable. We’ve all been there doing it (or rather, not doing […]
Trent Vol 6: The Sunless Country
By Rodolphe & Leo Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849183963 Trent strays the furthest north so far, way into the frozen wastes bordering the Arctic Circle. Left with his faithful hound in an obscure hut, his fellow mounties have moved on. It’s Trent’s job to wait for their return. But not only does he have to deal […]
Red Lines: Political Cartoons And The Struggle Against Censorship
By Cherian George & Sonny Liew Publisher: MIT Press ISBN: 9780262543019 Political cartooning has taken some considerable knocks over recent decades, with the decline in newspaper and magazine budgets being one of the major reasons. But it’s not just the twilight years of the press barons that have seen the steady erosion of this form […]
By Zara Slattery Publisher: Myriad Editions ISBN: 9781912408665 Storytelling is a strange art. Finding the hook that draws in the reader comes in many different forms. And it certainly helps if that hook is an original one. I wasn’t anticipating the story in Coma – I thought it would exclusively be a trippy, Gaimenesque journey […]