By Millar & Yu Publisher: Marvel ISBN: 9780785153177 Mark Millar's now synonymous with injecting comics with a fresh approach, spinning stories beyond the repeated cliches and offering the reader something that reflects a more mature readership. So it won't come as much of a surprise to learn that Superior is Millar's take on the Superman […]
Archive | Reviews
The Bluecoats Vol 6: Bronco Benny
By Lambil & Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181464 The Union Army isn't doing so well, what with depleted numbers and next to no horses for the cavalry. A battle is looming so Sarge and Blutch are given the task to purchase new mounts (using the delayed pay of the soldiers in the hopes that some […]
Cartoons & Comic Strips
By Terry Bave Publisher: Terry Bave ISBN: 5800090803919 I’m of the right age to have grown up reading the likes of Whizzer & Chips, Whoopee and Buster, enjoying the antics of Odd-Ball, the Slimms and Sammy Shrink. Any trip to the newsagent resulted in hopeful glances to the comic rack and no holiday was complete […]
Antares Episode 3
By Leo Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181501 The Worlds of Aldebaran books explore the difficulties we might encounter when we reach the point to be able to colonise distant planets. This isn't a series about intergalactic space battles or the struggle between good and evil but is rather about human endurance and survival in the face […]
Peter Bagge’s Other Stuff
By Peter Bagge Publisher: Fantagraphics ISBN: 9781606996225 Other Stuff is a collection of Peter Bagge's more obscure strips and collaborations. The collection kicks off with Lovey, a character used in the pages of Hate Annual, and if you're a fan of his Buddy Bradley work then these strips will go down well. These are followed […]
Lucky Luke 35: The Singing Wire
By Morris and Goscinny Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849181235 You'd think that a series based around the wild west would constantly retread the same ground, and yet this is the thirty-fifth volume and it's still fresh and inventive. This is largely down to the abilities of its creators, not least the scribing of Goscinny who just […]