Private Eye submission formats

Ed Clarke (pictured) deals with cartoon submissions at Private Eye and tells me they still get some submissions as hard copy, which is inconvenient. Email is preferred, with cartoons as separate JPG file attachments (i.e. not embedded in the body of the email),  ideally no more than five cartoons per issue. File sizes should be under a megabyte.

The best time to submit is the Monday or Tuesday after publication of the previous issue, apart from highly topical gags which may be considered as late as Thursday or even Friday. Previously-published work is not acceptable (including on social media and personal websites) and the work must not be offered to any other publication until turned down by Private Eye. The only way to find out whether your work has been used is to visit after noon on the Tuesday of publication (by exception f they want to hold on to something for a later issue they’ll email you separately before then).

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