Yakari And The White Fleece (Vol 8)

/By Derib & Job
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 978-1-84918-055-9

If you've got young children that you'd like to introduce to comics then Yakari is a great way in. It's a good mix of adventure and talking animals set against the North American wilderness. Yakari is a member of the Sioux and along with his best friend, a pony called Little Thunder, gets into all sorts of scrapes, but always well-meaning and often heroic.

This particular tale starts when another member of the tribe pushes too far into an eagle's territory and has his talisman snatched by the bird. He slumps into a dark sleep and Yakari decides to set out to retrieve what has been lost. This means he and Little Thunder pushing high into the mountains, beyond where they've ever been before, and along the way discovering new animals that live among the peaks.

It is undoubtably gentle stuff, but tempered with the right amount of adventure and daring to make it an involving read. Yakari's ability to talk to the animals (explained in an earlier book) will appeal to children and the book offers insights into aspects of Native American life.

A worthy stocking-filler to keep your kids quiet and you a bit of a lay-in come Christmas morning!

And if you liked that: Another good one for kids are the recent Smurfs reprints

Yakari Vol.8: Yakari and the White Fleece (Book)
Author: Derib Job
Publisher: CINEBOOK
Published: 2010-11-04
Number of pages: 48
ISBN: 1849180555
Price: £5.99
28 new from £1.83
7 used from £0.83

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 4:35 pm

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