Yoko Tsuno 6: The Morning Of The World

/By Roger Leloup
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 978-1-84918-082-5

I'm struggling to think of another comic character, aimed predominantly at the children's market, that is as daring in its sense of adventure and its use of history and geography as Yoko Tsuno. It also adds a fascination of science and the world around us into the mix, making it very much the polar opposite to the standard fair dished out to children. Add to this that the lead is a young female in a market so dominated by male characters then it makes for one of the most curious, and the most original, titles available.

In this volume Yoko travels to Bali to visit her cousin, Monya, who has asked for her help. We've met Monya before, and she's been using her time machine again which has resulted in serious consequences for someone she's met back in 1350. Monya has enlisted Yoko's help to help put things right, but from the off-set things do not go to plan which risks the lives of all those involved. Worst of all are the flying demons they must face there, which bear an uncanny resemblance to prehistoric flying reptiles. Yoko really does have her work cut out to save them all and return her friends to the present day.

Yoko is driven to do the right thing, enlisting the help of her friends, technology and her own critical thinking to achieve her goals. She bravely faces down danger, but not with fists and a gung-ho attitude, but with a considered and reasoned approach. Quite why the pteranodons are alive 65 million years from their time isn't explained, but nor is the access to the wonderful technology at Yoko and her friend's disposal; it just adds to the mystery and the curious circumstances Yoko finds herself in.

I take my hat off to Yoko's creator, Roger Leloup, for his daring in combining so many elements that seem to be missing from modern children's storytelling. Certainly one to be shared with any child you know.

And if you liked that: There are five other Yoko Tsuno titles to chose from

Yoko Tsuno Vol.6: The Morning of the World (Book)
Author: Roger Leloup
Publisher: CINEBOOK
Published: 2011-06-02
Number of pages: 48
ISBN: 1849180822
Price: £5.99
33 new from £1.80
7 used from £1.40

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 4:35 pm

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