Darwin’s Diaries: 1 – The Eye Of The Celts

/By Ocana and Runberg
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 978-1-84918-095-5

Charles Darwin is something of hero to me, so I approached this book with mixed feelings as to how exactly they were going to place this important historical figure in a fictitious world. We first meet Darwin as he's taking in the sights of London Zoo with his friend and long-time supporter Huxley when they are approached by two gentleman representing Lord Palmerston. Darwin is encouraged to attend a meeting with the Prime Minister where he learns of some strange goings on in Yorkshire where a railway line is being laid. It appears a wild animal has attacked and brutally slaughtered both horses and men. Palmerston wants Darwin to take his expertise north and give his opinion on the situation and the manner of creature responsible.

Darwin is met by Suzanne Dickinson, daughter of Palmerston's friend and investor in the railway, a young woman of confidence and intelligence which sometimes puts her at odds with the Victorian world she inhabits. They begin their investigations, studying the slash marks on the bodies and interviewing witnesses. They formulate an idea of what manner of beast is responsible and arrange to meet the following day to look for tracks. That evening, however, the creature returns.

And it's also at this point that the fictional Darwin takes a large stride away from the historical one. I'm not entirely sure why the creators thought it was necessary – maybe like a government dossier he needed sexing up a bit – but for me it pulled me right out of the story for a moment. That said, I appreciate this is a work of fiction, and if you can have Abraham Lincoln fighting zombies and Winston Churchill employing Daleks then why not this. I'm certainly willing to see how it pans out in future volumes, because Ocana and Runberg have created an intriguing, well written mystery that mixes science and crytozoology like Fringe blended with Sherlock Holmes.

And if you liked that: You may enjoy Ruse, a collected edition of which is supposedly on the way

Darwin's Diaries Vol.1: The Eye of the Celts (Book)
Author: Eduardo Ocana
Publisher: CINEBOOK
Published: 2011-09-01
Number of pages: 56
ISBN: 1849180954
Price: £6.99
35 new from £2.25
11 used from £1.00

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 4:53 am

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