Antares – Episode 1

/By Leo
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 978-1-84918-097-9

Many sweeping sci-fi epics deal with an established human presence in the galaxy or beyond, so what makes Leo's take on the genre so interesting is that we as a race are still taking our first faltering steps. How do you establish a community on an alien world? And even if the planet's hospitable, what about the life that's already there?

This third cycle to Leo's bold narrative takes us directly to Antares (well, not Antares, but you'll have to read it to see what I mean) where a small group are already assessing the planet for potential colonisation. They witness the many varied creatures that live there, with their own Antares-evolved quirks and peculiarities (Leo clearly enjoys this part and there are some brilliant ideas here, starting with the multi-segemented zeppelin animal on the cover). But then the group witness something strange and shocking that the whole question of opening the planet to humanity is called into doubt.

Back on Earth this isn't welcome news, where investments and returns outweigh any other concerns. It is decided to recruit Kim, now known across Earth as the hero of the Betelgeuse colony rescue. Kim has grave reservations but is persuaded when it means she can help her friends. She then attends a standard medical check-up and learns something extraordinary, the significance of which she goes into hiding with.

I shan't say any more – you'll have to read it yourselves, but suffice to say there are more questions and dangers revealed, on Earth, Betelgeuse and Antares. It's captivating stuff handled with a flair for the mysterious, the curious and the strange. It's frontier discovery that underscores the fragility and, sometimes, ignorance of the human race, with a pace that allows you to settle into the setting and the story. And it's so beautifully illustrated and coloured that its given a cinematic presence upon the printed page. Episode 2 can't come out soon enough.

And if you liked that: …then I hope you've also read Aldebaran and Betelgeuse

Antares Vol.1: Episode 1 (Book)
Author: Leo
Publisher: Cinebook
Published: 2011-10-06
Number of pages: 64
ISBN: 1849180970
Price: £7.99
29 new from £3.18
8 used from £4.05

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 10:03 am

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