Lucky Luke 20: The Oklahoma Land Rush

/By Morris & Goscinny
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 978-1-84918-008-5

Lucky Luke's back again with another tale of the old West. This time he's called in to supervise the Oklahoma land rush, an event where a whole new swathe of land was opened up to settlers at a fixed time on a fixed date. To ensure fairness the land has to be cleared of anyone who may be attempting to jump the the gun, so Lucky Luke's first job is to round them up, then oversee the starting line where landowner-hopefuls are chomping at the bit. What follows is the history in miniature, with spats and feuds, lawlessness and the pioneering spirit, culminating in a town being thrown up out of nowhere in the middle of nowhere. As with the majority of Luke Luke stories, although it's a humorous tale packed with visual gags and puns, the backbone is an event from American history. It's often enough to spark an interest in finding out more, and I'm sure this in an instance where you'll feel compelled to do so. Many of the Lucky Luke tales published by Cinebook have never seen an English translation before, so if you've ever shown an interest then there's really no excuse not to indulge yourself.

And if you liked that: The next Lucky Luke, volume 21, is now available too.

Lucky Luke Vol.20: The Oklahoma Land Rush (Lucky Luke Adventures) (Book)
Author: Rene Goscinny
Publisher: CINEBOOK
Published: 2009-12-03
Number of pages: 48
ISBN: 1849180083
Price: £5.99
49 new from £1.66
9 used from £2.72

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 1:06 pm

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