Queen Margot: 1.The Age Of Innocence

/By Cadic, Gheysens, Derenne and Barroux
Publisher: Cinebooks
ISBN: 1-905460-10-4

This is a serious historical tale that follows the life of Marguerite de Valois, known as Queen Margot, who was the first wife of King Henri IV of France. This first volume follows her as she is leaving her childhood behind and encountering love and deception for the first time. Set in 1569, France is locked in a Protestant-Catholic struggle that is putting a huge strain upon the country, and so Margot is offered up as a pawn to gain the advantage. However, her own feelings and desires are much stronger than any duty being imposed upon her and soon she is threatening to topple her mother's carefully laid plans.

There's a lot going on within the covers of this book, narratively and graphically, so allow yourself some time to drink it in. It works hard to set the period tone, with plenty of detail in the dialogue and even more in the costume design and settings, which is a credit to the creators.

It makes for an accessible entry into French history and once again shows what the mainland European comic market is capable of – utilising the medium to tell entertaining and interesting tales of any genre.

And if you liked that: Then pick up volume 2. The Bloody Wedding

Queen Margot: Age of Innocence v. 1: The Age of Innocence v. 1 (Book)
Author: Francois Gheysens
Publisher: Cinebook Ltd
Published: 2006-07-13
Format: Illustrated
Number of pages: 48
ISBN: 1905460104
Price: £7.99
23 new from £2.57
12 used from £2.56

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 1:06 pm

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