By Batem & Yann Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440692 Although these books aren’t illustrated or written by the Marsupilami creator, Franquin, I do find that Batem’s artwork utterly captures Franquin’s frantic, frenetic energy. And, let’s face it, that’s what we want. Strong visual humour, great characters, and panel by panel storytelling that drives the narrative forward […]
Tag Archives | Great for kids

The Bluecoats Vol 15: Bull Run
By Lambil and Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440616 Having recently read a novel about the battle of Bull Run, this latest Bluecoats adventure had me itching to read it. It involves a look back to the very first battle of the war where, as far as the North was concerned, victory was inevitable and the […]
Marsupilami Vol 6: Fordlandia
By Batem, Yann & Franquin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440265 Possibly the greatest charm of the Marsupilami as a character is his absurd but brilliant biology. Of course, he’s tough, resourceful, intelligent and loving, but he sure gets a lot done with that extraordinary tail. It’s a marvel of evolution. And, boy, does he need it […]
Bunny vs Monkey And The Supersonic Aye-Aye!
By Jamie Smart Publisher: David Fickling Books ISBN: 9781788452434 You know Jamie Smart must be doing something right when someone walks into the room and cries: “Bunny vs Monkey! I love that book!” It has all become something of a phenomenon. In a nutshell, there’s a wood where a group of animals lives, although they’re […]
The Bluecoats Vol 14: The Dirty Five
By Lambil & Cauvin Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440043 With both sides in the Civil War battling themselves to a standstill, the Yankees are feeling the strain. Having lost so many men, and with a cavalry of three, Chesterfield and Blutch are ‘volunteered’ to seek out fresh recruits. The trouble is, too many men are more […]
Alone Vol 12: The Rebels Of Neosalem
By Gazzotti & Vehlmann Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781800440234 The series has changed considerably since the early books. Presented initially as a post-apocalyptic world lacking in adults, what we actually got was something very different. It would even be fair to say that in the last few books the story has begun to groan under the […]