Lucky Luke 22: Emperor Smith

/By Morris & Goscinny
Publisher: Cinebook
ISBN: 978-184918-026-9

Lucky Luke's back and this time he stumbles upon the bizarre sight of a regal procession in the middle of the Wild West. It transpires that a local rancher has come into a lot of money and it's all gone to his head, resulting in him declaring himself the Emperor Of The United States and taking on all the trappings including the dress, mannerisms and personal guard. All the locals in the nearby town consider him harmless enough, and play along by writing him letters signed by European monarchs and heads of state, but one troublemaker who has been holed up in the local jail spots an opportunity upon his release to cause some real mischief when he learns that Emperor Smith also has an army at his disposal. So it's down to Lucky Luke to take on an army, defeat the goon and overthrow an Emperor.

The Lucky Luke books continue to be hugely inventive, and this is one of the best of them. Packed full of gags and original ideas, it's a genuine delight to read from cover to cover as the townsfolk slip from humouring Smith to becoming part of the delusion themselves. If you're not reading these books then you're missing out.

And if you liked that: Book 23 is sat here waiting for me to read it… Will review soon!

Lucky Luke Vol.22: Emperor Smith (Lucky Luke Adventures) (Book)
Author: Rene Goscinny
Publisher: CINEBOOK
Published: 2010-04-08
Number of pages: 48
ISBN: 1849180261
Price: £5.99
28 new from £1.83
7 used from £2.67

Information accurate as of May 2, 2014, 4:31 pm

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