Tag Archives | Thriller

Authorised Happiness 2

By Griffo & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184489 After the Black Mirror-style twisted futures of the previous volume, I had high hopes for this second book – and I’m pleased to say I wasn’t disappointed. What makes the tales more disturbing is that the future they depict is not some unfathomable distant century but […]

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Largo Winch Vol 18: Scarlet Sails

By Francq & Giacometti Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849185400 I read this book in the same week that the GameStop stock market story hit the news. The relevance was startling.  As institutions grow and expand their influence their choices have knock-on effects for us all. It draws others in, to react, to object, and to take […]

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Wyoming Doll

By Franz Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184502 To date, the Expresso label on a Cinebook title has been a guarantee of quality, and that’s no less the case here with Wyoming Doll. Set in the Wild West, the story begins with settlers crossing the vast expanse of open country, only to come a cropper when aggressive […]

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The Walking Dead Vol 32: Rest In Peace

By Kirkman, Adlard, Gaudiano & Rathburn Publisher: Image ISBN: 9781534312418 In a clever if not surprising move creators Kirkman and Adlard pulled the wool over the eyes of their readership and have ended the series. The subterfuge went as far as submitting fake future issues so that when the big moment did arrive you were […]

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Twenty Years Later

By Dany & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184151 In this follow up book to Story Without A Hero the timeframe jumps two decades. The survivors of the air crash in the jungle made good with their improvised hot air balloon escape and are now living separate lives, not least Laurent who has grown to […]

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Story Without A Hero

By Dany & Van Hamme Publisher: Cinebook ISBN: 9781849184144 Always welcome, as far as I’m concerned, is another book written by Jean Van Hamme. This new Cinebook offering falls under their Expresso collection for self-contained or two-part stories. The tale itself involves a plane crash in a South American jungle (no Marsupilamis, though, I’m afraid) […]

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